February 06, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

_4194779_4194779 Photography is all about the light.  Watch an old movie and pay attention to the lighting they use.  Soft, directional, harsh or no light.  It all creates a mood or can change the mood of the scene.  Photography whether still or motion is basically the same.  You can direct where someone looks or feels about a subject.  In abandoned places I think the photography should be dark and maybe creepy.  Finding the right light or creating that light can take that documentary photo and create something special or unique.  Of course making light can also mean light subtraction.  Light subtraction can be done by using a high shutter speed to darken the area and then add light using a speed flash.  Light painting with a flash light won't work.  Light painting with a flashlight needs a slow shutter speed maybe 5 seconds or better to paint light where you want it.   I carry a camera flash, flashlight and LED because I never know what I will see.  Chairs make some nice photos because if a room is bright and airy look around and move it somewhere that has better light. Beams of light can often be found from a broken window, unhinged doorway or a hole in the roof.  Look around.  A cloudy day will throw soft light so you may have to go back to using your own light source.   Shadows are as important as light.  Shadows shape things and can add a moody look.  Harsh light will create shadows because it is directional.  The sun is a great example of harsh  lighting as it  puts a strong shadow on the opposite side of what it is lighting. 



_4152668_4152668Abandoned manufacturing plant being reclaimed by nature a little at a time. We have all seen movies of after a life altering event and This is a close as I have come to see it in person. Closed over 43 years ago due to a natural disaster nature is returning the site slowly. Algae, moss and plant life finding its way where light touches the grounds.

Stairways are also a great subject to illustrate the going into the light.  Movies use this method by having the soul walk upstairs with light cascading down the steps. An open door when you can't see what is on the other side.  No matter what you are photographing light is everything and will enhance anything.  Bad light is just bad.  Learn to light paint or use a flash. A so so subject in good light will always beat  a great subject in bad light every time.  Watch the Seinfeld episode with the two face girl because that is one of the best illustration of how someone with the right light looks good and bad light someone else.



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