March 03, 2020  •  Leave a Comment











Inspiration.  We all need it.  Photography is an art form that demands it.  After years of making photos I sometimes struggle with do I want to do this anymore.  I got this idea from someone trying to motivate others to create, which applies to life in general.  Where does your motivation come from. What makes you get our of bed in the morning?  Thinking photography it took only a second to answer that question.  I find in photography I get energized by the beginner asking a million questions or a youngster trying something for the first time and trying to master it right away.  It makes me think about the craft. 

I take a lot of high school sports photos.  In today times everyone wants a Facebook or cell phone photo to show everyone. I'll display something on the local pizza shop wall and watch the parents snap away with their phones.  It's the new wallet photo.   After spending years taking photos very few people want a print so why do I continue.   A friend once told me that that someday a grandfather uncle or the person next door will tell the story about the photo you took many years ago.  They may not remember who took it.  Sometimes I'll do a portrait session with someone I know and the deal is they have to print something and hang it on the wall.  Recently a friend gave me a list to print.  It was such a long time that I was ordering some metal prints (my favorite), I went ahead and picked out one for her wall.  It happened she didn't pick the one I already printed.  The look on her face was worth it.  I then asked her if I should print the one she asked for and she shook her head no. 

We all leave a piece or impart things to someone else.  I often catch myself using a phrase my family said when I was younger.  I then here a younger family member saying it too.  If you are lucky enough you'll actually get to experience that moment overhearing a conversation somewhere about that Photograph without them knowing you took it.  I have and it is a great feeling.


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