October 20, 2014  •  1 Comment

_4149137_4149137The silo stands alone along the Buffalo River and is mostly abandoned. Photographers go to the Silo City Workshop to photograph what is left of tools, machinery and other artifacts. The building is large but if you use a long lens and capture the small details of the building there are many things that go unnoticed. I am not a work shop guy.  Really never been to a work shop that was a work shop.  I mostly went on Photo trips to access the place.  I have been traveling to Buffalo for a long time and took notice to the grain silos.  I thought it would be nice to take a crack at doing some photography.  I found a work shop advertised for Silo City with Mark Maio.  I could find no other opportunity so I looked into it and decided to pull the trigger.  My first thought was it was more money than I would ever spend to take photos in a work shop.  My photography is personal and not for commercial ventures.  What caught my attention was there would be some medium format cameras there.  I have been looking at them for a while.  I like to print big.  So I signed up and took the trip.  I didn't stay at the hotel with the others in the group because I have family near by so I can't speak for the extras after the shooting was done for the day.  There was a light painting  demo but constant rain downsized  the subject.  I already had been light painting but would have liked to seen the large scale version.  I had 3 days of unrestricted access and it took all that time to see most of the place.  People were available to assist if you needed help.  You don't have to be accomplished to take this shop.   Mark Maio was available as well as Chris Snipes from Capture Integration provided medium format cameras to try.  I never did try one.  The group was diverse and helpful to each other.  I met some new people and some I already knew.   Mark included a rare opportunity to photograph the Buffalo Pumping station near Niagara Falls and Concrete Central on side trips. That day was a little too windy.  The photo shown here is what would be the normal take but I pulled out my 400 F2.8 and did some close ups of the outside. I hope that I was helpful to some of the others.  If you ever watch Creative Live I got to meet one of the celebrity students Cliff Lenderman.  


If I was to throw a nit it was the place was a lot cleaner than I am used to.  The more rust, crust and dust the better for me.  It rained most of the time which wasn't a problem for me.  Wet floors, puddles and cloudy skies will provide interesting reflections or softer light.  I would have liked some ice.

If you like abandoned or not there are some great opportunities. 


_14B8605_14B8605The silo stands alone along the Buffalo River and is mostly abandoned. Photographers go to the Silo City Workshop to photograph what is left of tools, machinery and other artifacts. The building is large but if you use a long lens and capture the small details of the building there are many things that go unnoticed.


Mark Stevens(non-registered)
Nice work Dennis.
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