November 12, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

LAST CALLBill Ragni coaches Trinity Football one more time                                                                                                   LAST CALL

                                                                    NIKON D4, 1/250 SS,  400 F2.8, 1.4 EXT,  AT 550 MM, ISO 8000

I often  think about photography in terms of the next shot.  Wildlife, sports, family and friends. I need purpose.  I have gotten to the point that I think about why take the photo.  At the beginning of the sports season I was thinking I had enough.  I don't really know any of the kids anymore.  I started because my nephew played.   I ran into a friend who shoots sports right before the football season started.  He ask me if I was shooting again this year.  I said I was leaning towards no.  He looked at me and said that would be a loss because I do it so well.   It reminded me of another friend telling me that these photos may not seem to mean that much but when one of the players is showing them to their grand children they may not remember your name but they will remember the time.  I usually do a poster of the seniors.  One photo of action and then one of all the seniors together merged into one. This year I decided not to.   I guess I left it become a job.  Those who do this for a living best wishes.  I just want to have fun.   The coach retired after the season.  The last game he came over and thanked me for all the photos I took and what  memories he will have. 

In that moment it all became clear.   Thanks coach.



                                                                                  2015 GRADUATING CLASS FRONT LINE






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