September 29, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


Photographers as well as those who are thinking about taking a leap usually have better equipment in mind.  If we had a better camera or better lens we would take better photos. Well it doesn't work like that.  A better lens and I'm not sure what that means will make better pictures? If you ever look at the line ups of the more popular makes there is a looong list of lens that tout all that you can be.  Unfortunately there is truth to the philosophy.  More light lower F stops.  More depth of field, closer focus, larger MM and so forth.  It like a mechanic with several rolling tool boxes loaded with specialty wrenches just in case you need on of them.    There is macro, telephoto, wide angle, close focus, tilt shift and the next greatest lens on the market.  I am one of those photographers who doesn't have a one track mind and likes to do all of the above.  It's tough at first because your credit card gets a good workout but with time you will find it's more fun to figure out to make great images with limited resources.   Macro usually means a macro lens.  I prefer to use a telephoto lens with extension tubes to shorten the minimal focus distance.  You can shoot at 800 MM and get closer than the minimum focus distance.  My favorite is the 200 F2.  One of the best lens in the world.   Before you get the fever think about a real challenge and how to use what you have to get to the next level.


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