DARKNESS FALLS........ another Pennhurst

January 18, 2015  •  Leave a Comment



While at Pennhurst this wheel chair was tucked in a room that you needed a flashlight to see your feet.  This chair drew a lot of attention from all the other photographers.  It reminded me of the gate at a concert waiting for the doors to open.  To give the chair its due I did some light painting  in the darkness.  Then I moved it into the hall for a different look with different light.  I could have moved this chair all day but the line was long so I stepped back and watched the others. I can always learn something by watching others approach.   The chair never moved again as each person shot it where it was.  Different angles, add some light or just a different exposure for effect.

All I could think about was how this chair was used and it was meant to travel these halls of gloom.  When it was sitting in the darkness I thought about someone all alone locked away.   If you go there read about the place first.  I believe it will help you see the place differently than being just another abandoned place.

In photography light is everything and sometimes less is better.  You can convey a different message by brightness or darkness.  There are times you should subtract light  especially with glassware.  Light subtraction for a future topic.  When you trip the shutter and you look at the picture, ask yourself a question.  What does this say to me.  Secondly what someone else may say.   It should say something if you want to take better pictures.

If you look in the background the ghost of Jim Crawley is seen. 



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