January 11, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I just couldn't find one that I had confidence in using my speed lights and the ones available are expensive especially when you don't know when you might use them again. I want to do an experiment so we'll see how it turns out.  If you are interested I used some things laying around.



 I used some 6 inch drain pipe (update, I wish I would have used 4 inch) and cut an opening leaving some room at the top and bottom to place caps.  I lined the inside of the pipe with silver tape used to repair duct work found at the box stores.  One roll is enough for two lights.  Cover both insides of the caps to help bounce the light through the opening.  I chose a five inch opening. The length is 32 inches.  I did not glue the ends on so you can start with a larger size.




 Measure and cut a hole in an end cap to fit your speed light.  I oversized and added some weather stripping.  This end cap can be the top or bottom however, make sure you do something to hold the flash on.  to mount the light on a stand I used a Manfrotto 5/8th short stud and Impact swivel umbrella adapter.  I am going to dedicate the adapter to stay with the light so any stand will do.




To attach the fabric use double sided tape around the opening.  I split the tape in two.  Peel the back off the tape a little at a time.  It helps with positioning the fabric and makes it easier if you have to adjust.  The fabric sticks easily.  I used parachute material.  The heavier the material the more light lost.




Start at the top and work down.  Leave an inch or so on the sides loose so you can take it off.  It doesn't matter if there are some wrinkles.



The light was soft but a wider pattern that I hoped for.  I decided to add barn doors.



I used some black foil and taped it in front of the hole with gaffers tape.  I then split the foil with a knife and folded the foil back.  I inserted the flash and used a radio trigger for another test.






I can see I will be using these often. 

 It took me awhile no blueprints make up as I went.  Pipe free, cap $7.00 ea, some black foil, small amount of gaffers and two sided tape. 1/2 yard cloth, stud $8.00, swivel $16.00 and time served,  I will be making a smaller version with 4" pipe for portability.

On to concept shoot and see what happens.


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